
Welcome to Fellowship of Christian Auctioneers International

“So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another” (Romans 12:5).

The Fellowship of Christian Auctioneers International Needs You:

For Strength – A Christian Fellowship is only as strong as its participants

For Unity – A Christian Fellowship that has many united, touches many others

For Growth – A Christian Fellowship only lives and senses growth through people

For Ministry – A Christian Fellowship meets the needs of others with people, not programs

For Direction – A Christian Fellowship needs the input and commitment of its participants

Praise Reports

Debra Garner tests showed no cancer!

Lou Ann Young is home after 14 days in the hospital.

Ryan- Terry & Lou Ann Water’s son in law, Cancer has been in remission for 1 year.

Stan Young recovering from eye surgery.

Jim Swigert recovering from quadruple surgery.

Dwayne Lutz had a plow fall on him.  He is doing fine after his surgery for his arm that was broken in 2 places.

Thomas Galloway recovering from surgery.

Texas Auctioneers Hall of Fame and FCAI members donated to hurricane victims.

America’s Auction Academy sent funds raised at their auctions to FCAI.

As Well as World Wide College of Auctioneering sent funds raised at their auctions to FCAI also.

Alvin Kaddatz TXS6676

More information is available at Kaddatzequipment.com


Pray for Ukraine & Israel

May God Bless you.

Special recognition was given at the FCAI annual meeting in Pittsburgh to the following:
America’s Auction Academy for raising funds at each auction school.
GoToAuction.com for doing the work and hosting the FCAI website.
They list FCAI member’s auctions at no charge on the FCAI website.


May God Bless you.
Alvin Kaddatz