
What is the purpose of the Fellowship of Christian Auctioneers International?
One of the most frequently asked questions relating to the topic of Christian Fellowship is, “Why should I participate in a Christian Fellowship, anyway? After all, it makes no difference…I can still go to church, watch television evangelists, etc. and without feeling committed.”
“Without feeling committed”…is the first reason to participate in the Fellowship of Christian Auctioneers International. Working through the FCAI is a step of commitment in which dedicated Christians express through both work and deed that Jesus Christ is Lord and Master in their lives. This commitment involves several areas of a Christian’s Life:
- Commitment to God (Matthew 22:37)
- Commitment to the Family (Proverbs 12:7b)
- Commitment to Personal Growth (Philippians 3:14)
- Commitment to Ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12)
The key to a Christian’s successful commitment lies in accountability to participating in a Christian Fellowship and especially in accountability to the local church and its leadership. With the loving support, encouragement, and challenge of the leadership and congregation of the local church, each person can not only maintain, but grow in his or her Christian commitment.
The second reason to participate in a Christian Fellowship like FCAI is that of relationships. There is no such thing as “Lone Ranger” Christianity. We “as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ”
(I Peter 2:5). We are being built together as a spiritual house for the work of ministry.
“So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another” (Romans 12:5). We compliment one another with our different and unique talents and abilities as we join together as a team. Each one of us has a very important function within the body of Christ, and together we are able to accomplish great things for the glory of God.
Why do we need each other?
The Fellowship of Christian Auctioneers International Needs You:
- For Strength – A Christian Fellowship is only as strong as its participants
- For Unity – A Christian Fellowship that has many united, touches many others
- For Growth – A Christian Fellowship only lives and senses growth through people
- For Ministry – A Christian Fellowship meets the needs of others with people, not programs
- For Direction – A Christian Fellowship needs the input and commitment of its participants
You need The Fellowship of Christian Auctioneers International:
- For Strength – A participant receives encouragement from other believers
- For Unity – A participant develops Christian relationships with others
- For Growth – A participant stretches spiritually through the ministry of helping others, while still receiving guidance and direction from his or her local church
- For Ministry – A participant will be strengthened as they help others
- For Direction – A participant is channeled like a river within its banks by the direction of the Holy Word